“All things old, new again”
We are on the eve of a New Year……no matter what this past year held for you, tomorrow is not only a new day but a New Year. So Happy New Years from Irresistible Homes. May this year bring you many blessings and may you prosper in every way as you strive to make a difference in your family, your business / place of work and the sphere of influence around you.
My theme for this blog is a little more personal as I share one of my own rooms with you. I think its fitting because as you look at what the possibilities are for your new year, I challenge you to take some of “the old things and make them new again.” Look at them with a different set of eyes for what they could be and not for what it is now. I guess that goes for many areas of life but for now I will concentrate on this one room. The room where I spend most of my time. Yes, my home office…..but it used to be my rather unattractive living room.
This was once a room that I walked through, but hardly ever used……a room that got all the left over furniture, and generally had no personality at all. In short, I didn’t like it and I didn’t use it.
Then that day came. The day when I got fed up with having my Real Estate files in one office, my Irresistible Homes files in another and just constantly running between the two. Getting fed up causes one to gain a new set of eyes and a new frame of mind. I needed to re-think my space and make it work for me.
The decision was made pretty quickly that my current space didn’t work for me. My living room was dead space to me and it was going to be changed into a den/ home office. What used to be a room that I didn’t go near, is now a room I enjoy being in, even when I m not working. I wanted to give it a heavy, earthy (is that even a word?) feeling with a flare of femininity. All the choices for this room were chosen from the fabric making all subsequent choices come together with ease. Personally, I feel like I accomplished it. I like it now and I guess that’s what counts….is that I like it and it works…… for both businesses.
Now the cost…..I found the two towers on either side of the desk area for $100 each because the glass was broken out of the doors. No problem there as I just reworked the door panels with a padded material matching the curtains. The rest of the room was fitted with shelving, bench seat, and a second work area. The cost of the wood for this project was about $200. Materials/desk towers in total were about $400. The handyman to put it all together was me. (That’s why I won’t let you look closely at the corners!!)And of course the curtains which give the room warmth and colour, made graciously by my mother.
I’m happy to say that I now enjoy this room.
So as you start this New Year and you are contemplating what your projects are for the year, consider taking something “old and making it new again”.
Happy New Year from Irresistible Homes…..may you and your family be blessed this year.