Guinea Pig…….
I know I’m looking backwards here a little but in order to catch you up to where I am today, I think I need to tell you where I came from.
Some houses that I stage or design are just downright memorable…..and this is one of them. But first let me introduce you to the Realtor that listed it and how we got started together…..
When I was first getting “Irresistible Homes” off the ground there was one particular Realtor that put his neck out there a little……as I told you already, I also stage for other Realtors, not just myself. He encouraged me…..thank you for that….and he entrusted me with a few of his clients staging needs. I needed a guinea pig other than myself in the industry, and he was it. Great Realtor, I must say, even if he is my competition….my hat goes off to his skill level, and work ethic in dealing with his clients. I’ve appreciated what I have gleaned from working with him as a fellow Realtor. Oh yes, his name……Mark Sinnett and he is also an accomplished novelist(machinesforlivingin.com) and just generally a great guy. I should also mention and give credit where credit is due that he used his writing talent in assisting Lynn and I with our website (karenandlynn.com)as well as myself for Irresistible Homes (irresistiblehomes.com)…..But! The blog is pure Karen, so the writing talent may be lacking…… So back to the staging……Mark had a listing that required a little TLC along with some presentation creativity. That may just be an understatement though……long story short, mom and dad were moving out of the family home and into the retirement phase and the adult children were organizing the move. So adult children out there….if you are in this position, take heart as there are people like Mark and I to help out. Enjoy ……
The pictures will tell you the story……
but first,
The testimonials will back it up……
“I’ve used Karen three times now to stage all or parts of a house for me. The first time, she changed a difficult, tired property into a house I wanted to live in. The second time, the house sold immediately, on the first day, for full price. And the third time? Well she’s at work right now and, frankly, I’m amazed at what she’s accomplished already this week. To put it bluntly, I don’t think of hiring Karen Donnan as a business expense, I think of it as a sale guaranteed. That’s how good she is.”
mark sinnett / 2013
(**Karen….Let me update those remarks for you. The property Karen was working on most recently has also sold. And it sold quickly, for more than I thought likely. I’m a happy guy, and my Sellers are beaming!)
Mark Sinnett / 2013
Hi Karen,
I think it looks great – you’ve really drawn possibilities out of some … unpromising … spaces. I don’t think we should forward the pictures to my parents, otherwise they will want to move back in.
bill (son)
Hi Karen,
I just wanted to say that we think you have done an amazing job with the house. It looks amazing ( you have worked wonders – we didn’t think it was possible!! ). And thanks also for your patience with the trials and tribulations…
Thanks again,
Judi (daughter in law)
Dining before
Dining After
Family Room before
Family Room After
Master Bedroom Before
Master Bedroom After
Spare Room Before
Spare Room After
Eat in kitchen before
Eat in kitchen after