Supporting a local Business: Common Sense…..not so “Common”
There is no doubt that we are in the middle of some changing times. Whoever thought… that the government would impose how many people you could have in your home, that you have to wear a mask wherever you go, or that the level of fear in people would be so high?
I can only speak for myself but there’s been lots of reflection going on as to how I handle what my reaction is.
Personally I don’t agree with everything that is going on out there, our reactions to it, or how to make things better. There are several points everyone can agree upon though, even if we are polar opposites.
We all belong to a community….I don’t know, but that word “community” denotes “together” in my books. We are all in this together and so doesn’t that mean we all work together to get through this? No, we don’t all agree on how to handle this, but I know we could treat each other with kindness, with patience, and the ability to listen to one another might be a good first step.
Pulling together makes for a lighter load. Supporting a local business that is struggling to keep their doors open, being patient at the cash register, and listening to another opinion without instant judgement. All these actions say we are doing what we can to individually uphold community.
Please think of the businesses that are struggling right now to keep their doors open and support local. Let’s all do our part in lifting each other up. Check out the Facebook and Instagram post on Realty Difference to take part in supporting one another.
As a New Year gets underway, we have hope in a better 2021. I would encourage you to pull together in the basics …. no virus has the ability to take that away from us. #CommonSense
#RealtyDifference #KarenDonnan #BetheDifference
#Takepart #Together #Community
#Basics #CommonSense
#SupportLocal #SmallBusiness #SupportSmallBusiness